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Event Subscriptions APIv3.1.2

This is version 3.1 of the Event Subscriptions API. Check the Postman collection to see sample request and responses for Event Subscription API. The sandbox hostname for YBS and Chelsea brand is and respectively. 

Event Subscription APIs

Detailed Open Banking specifications for the Event Subscription API that is available to all TPP’s are available on the Open Banking website.

Access Token

For event-subscriptions, a check is made to ensure that the scope provided in the request to retrieve a token must match the scope provided when the TPP registered. For example, if a TPP registered with scope accounts payments, then the scope in the request for a new bearer token should be accounts payments. A ‘400 Bad Request – Scope is invalid’ error message will be raised if these do not match.

We support the following services: (for more detailed description on each request refer to the swagger file)

POST /event-subscriptions

Allows a TPP to create an event subscription

CallbackUrl is mandatory 

The version stated in the CallbackUrl must match the Version supplied in the API call

If Event Types is omitted then, as per Open Banking Read/Write Specification V3.1.2 all supported events will be subscribed to.  When a new event is added this would be added to the subscription automatically.

Subscriptions are created at TPP Level (not at a client level)

Only one subscription per version is allowed by a TPP

A subscription created will cover both YBS and CBS brands

All YBS supported events are detailed on swagger. 

GET /event-subscriptions

Allows a TPP to get their existing subscription

If no subscription exists, the response will be empty.

PUT /event-subscriptions/{EventSubscriptionID}

Allows a TPP to update their existing subscription

The change will override the previous subscription and will NOT append events to an existing subscription.

We allow changes to CallbackUrl and/or Event Types

CallbackUrl is mandatory 

The version stated in the CallbackUrl must match the Version supplied in the API call

If Event Types is omitted then, as per Open Banking Read/Write Specification V3.1.2 all supported events will be subscribed to.  When a new event is added this would be added to the subscription automatically.

DELETE /event-subscriptions/{EventSubscriptionID}

Allows a TPP to delete their subscription

The subscription will be deleted at TPP level (not at a client level) 

About us

Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Building Societies Association and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Yorkshire Building Society is entered in the Financial Services Register and its registration number is 106085. Head Office: Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford BD5 8LJ.

References to 'YBS Group' or 'Yorkshire Group' refer to Yorkshire Building Society, the trading names under which it operates (Chelsea Building Society, the Chelsea, Norwich & Peterborough Building Society, N&P and Egg) and its subsidiary companies.