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Confirmation of Funds APIv3.1.2

This is version 3.1 of ConfirmationOfFunds API. Check the Postman collection to see sample data and scenarios to use ConfirmationOfFunds API. Note: The hostname for YBS and Chelsea brand is and respectively. 


Swagger Specification for Confirmation of Funds API. Please refer postman collection for sample request and response.


About us

Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Building Societies Association and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Yorkshire Building Society is entered in the Financial Services Register and its registration number is 106085. Head Office: Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford BD5 8LJ.

References to 'YBS Group' or 'Yorkshire Group' refer to Yorkshire Building Society, the trading names under which it operates (Chelsea Building Society, the Chelsea, Norwich & Peterborough Building Society, N&P and Egg) and its subsidiary companies.