Payment APIs
Detailed Open Banking specifications for the Payment Initiation API that is available to Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) are available on the Open Banking website.
Yorkshire Building Society supports the following to enable you to securely process payments and check the status of a submitted payment.All payment API calls should be attended:
POST / domestic-payment-consents
Create a new domestic payment consent resource.
GET / domestic-payment-consents /{ConsentId}
Retrieve the status of domestic payment consent resource.
GET /domestic-payment-consents/{ConsentId}/funds-confirmation
Retrieve confirmation of funds on a domestic-payment-consent resource.
We will only respond to this confirmation request if the resource has an Authorised status, otherwise we will respond with a 400 (Bad Request).
POST / domestic-payments
Submit payment for execution
Payment Type
We will accept single immediate domestic payments made via Open Banking.
We do not support international payments or scheduled payments.
Payment scheme
We operate our payments via the RBS Faster Payments Scheme.
Payment Limits
The minimum payment amount is £1.00
Our implementation of the faster payments process has a maximum limit for transactions of £250,000; where a standing order payment requests are received that are greater than £250,000 the payment will be split into multiple transactions, the sum of the transactions will equal the payment requested.
Payment Processing
Payment/transfers to an external account or another person/merchant will normally reach the destination bank by the end of the following day.
Payment requests received after midnight will be processed the following day.
Payments in this schedule that fall on weekends and bank holidays will be made on the following business day.
Payment Currency
We will only allow payment values in GBP, with one or two decimal places as per ISO20022.
Payment Status Enquiry
The payment submission status API can be accessed at any time after the payment has been set up. Up to 24 hours after customer authentication, the access token granted after authentication can be used, but after 24 hours a new client credentials access token must be obtained.
Data Processing
Some data field lengths within the Open Banking payment API specifications exceed the equivalent data field lengths within the Faster Payment scheme. If the data provided within any of these fields via the API(s) exceeds the maximum length permitted within the relevant Faster Payment field(s), we will attempt to truncate the data rather than reject the payment.
Debtor Account
When providing the Identification data (Sort Code and Account Number) we expect a 6 digit Sort Code (including leading zeroes) and an 8 digit Account number (including leading zeroes).
Our Account Numbers are 10 digits (Roll Number), the Account number for payment requests will require the first 8 digits to be supplied.
The Secondary Identification data field is optional, if populated as a payment reference it must be the full Account Number (Roll Number), any other values will result in payment requests failing validation and be rejected.
Creditor Account
The Identification data (Sort Code and Account Number) we expect a 6 digit Sort Code (leading zeroes) and an 8 digit Account number (including leading zeroes).
Where payments are being made to YBS or Chelsea Accounts, the Secondary Identification data field must be populated with the full 10 digit Account Number (Reference/Roll Number), any other values will result in payment requests failing validation and be rejected.
Data Sets Not Supported
We do not support the following data items.
- Multi Authorisations - PSU must have a single signatory permission
- Charges - We do not apply charges or fees for payments
- Debtor References
Standing Order APIs
Detailed Open Banking specifications for the Standing Order Initiation API that is available to Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) are available on the Open Banking website.
Yorkshire Building Society supports the following to enable you to securely process payments and check the status of a submitted payment:
POST / domestic-standing-order-consents
Set up a new standing order mandate.
We do not support international standing order instructions.
- Number of Payments
- We do not support Number of Payments.
- Payment Frequency
- The table below highlights the frequencies we support.
Open Banking Frequency
YBS Equivalent
Every day
Not Supported
Every working day
Not supported
Every month, on the 2nd week of the month, and on the third day of the week
Not Supported
Every month, on the last day of the month
Not Supported
Paid on the 25th March, 24th June, 29th September and 25th December
Not Supported
Every 4th week, on the nth day of the week
Not Supported
Every month, on the last day of the month
Not Supported
Monthly At End of Month -1 dayIntrvlWkDay
Every week, on the 3rd day of the week
Paid on a Wednesday (Day 3)IntrvlWkDay
Every 2nd week, on the 5th day of the week
Paid on a Friday (Day 5)IntrvlMnthDay
Every month, on the 15th day of the month
On specified date each period (month)IntrvlMnthDay
Every 3 months, on the 10th day of the month
On specified date each period (3 months)IntrvlMnthDay
Every 6 months, on the 20th day of the month
Six Monthly
On specified date each period (6 months)IntrvlMnthDay
Every 12 months, on the 12th day of the month
On specified date each period (12 months)
Payment Dates
Standing order requests must provide a First Payments Date.
We do not support Recurring Payment Datetime.
We do support Final Payment DateTime if supplied. Where a Final Payment Datetime is not supplied the standing order will be processed until cancelled.
Note: Customers can only cancel or amend their standing order instructions via existing ASPSP systems.
Payment Amount
We will only support a single payment amount for standing orders.
We will only allow payment values in GBP, with one or two decimal places as per ISO20022.
Payment Limits
Minimum payment amount is £1.00
Our implementation of the faster payments process has a maximum limit for transactions of £250,000; where a standing order payment requests are received that are greater than £250,000 the payment will be split into multiple transactions, the sum of the transactions will equal the payment requested.
Payment Status Enquiry
The payment submission status API can be accessed at any time after the payment has been set up. Up to 24 hours after customer authentication, the access token granted after authentication can be used, but after 24 hours a new client credentials access token must be obtained.
Standing Order Processing
The date we receive the request must be at least 3 days before the First Payment Date.
Standing order payment/transfers to an external account or another person/merchant will normally reach the destination bank by the end of the scheduled date.
Standing order payments in this schedule that fall on weekends and bank holidays will be made on the last business day prior to the scheduled date.
Data Processing
Some data field lengths within the Open Banking payment API specifications exceed the equivalent data field lengths within the Faster Payment scheme. If the data provided within any of these fields via the API(s) exceeds the maximum length permitted within the relevant Faster Payment field(s), we will attempt to truncate the data rather than reject the payment.
Debtor Account
When providing the Identification data (Sort Code and Account Number) we expect a 6 digit Sort Code (including leading zeroes) and an 8 digit Account number (including leading zeroes).
Our Account Numbers are 10 digits (Roll Number), the Account number for payment requests will require the first 8 digits to be supplied.
The Secondary Identification data field is optional, if populated as a payment reference it must be the full Account Number (Roll Number), any other values will result in payment requests failing validation and be rejected.
Creditor Account
The Identification data (Sort Code and Account Number) we expect a 6 digit Sort Code (leading zeroes) and an 8 digit Account number (including leading zeroes).
Where payments are being made to YBS Accounts, the Secondary Identification data field is optional, if populated as a reference it must be the full Account Number (Roll Number), any other values will result in payment requests failing validation and be rejected.
Data Sets Not Supported
We do not support the following data items.
- Multi Authorisations - PSU must have a single signatory permission
- Charges - We do not apply charges or fees for payments
- Debtor References
GET / domestic-standing-order-consents /{ConsentId}
Retrieve the status of Standing Order Consent resource.
POST / domestic-standing-orders
GET / domestic-standing-orders /{DomesticStandingOrderId}
Retrieve the status of Standing Order submitted for execution.